
Digital Database of Medicinal Plants (DiDaMeP)

Our first goal within the scope of our project; is the recognition of some plants, such as mint,  the snake tounge, hibiscus, cornflower,and thymus which are used as raw material of medical drugs by the young farmers around Turkey and Europe. Unfortunately, these plants, which have export potential, are no longer found in sufficient quantities in their habitats due to the reduction of agricultural land and pollution, and market prices are also very high. Our region is home to many medicinal and aromatic plants. These plants are often found in mountains, pasture areas, stream beds or lake shores. These plants are recorded with a system in the world, and their location and number are determined by categorizing. They should be sold as value added products by drawing a perspective according to this process. Unfortunately, we cannot collect systematic data of the plants used in pharmaceutical production in our country. Within the scope of our project, we aimed to create a digital data bank to keep records of medicinal and aromatic plants, starting from our partner countries, including provinces, regions and finally all of Europe. The leader of our intellectual output is the Van Provincial Directorate of National Education. Thanks to this digital database, many pharmaceutical companies and related organizations will be able to reach and eventually import relevant entrepreneurs to gain access to these facilities. This idea, which is a first in Turkey, will take its place among its peers in Europe as one of the private digital data banks. In addition, our platform serves in 5 languages.

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“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”